Category Archives: Singing Lessons

Introduce Your Child to All That the Musical World has to Offer

Singing can be a wonderful emotional release. Singing can be used to work through fear, emotional trauma, and is used as a tool to bring peace and wholeness to the body. Introducing children to a musical art form during their formative years can greatly increase their learning capacity and help them nurture and transform their vocal potential ino real vocal talent. A good voice teacher can make a remarkable difference in a child’s life and can directly affect how a child takes to music. By enrolling your child in singing classes NYC, you are introducing your child to the mystical world of music and offering them a chance to use their creativity and reach for the stars!

Passionate teachers believe in every child’s individual capacity to grow and learn. Every individual has a tremendous capacity to feel, to express, and to convey their thoughts through music. The techniques utilized in private voice lessons will help define the strength and weakness that a child needs to become aware of. Private voice teachers work on pitch awareness, range, stamina, projection, expression, vocal clarity and control, depth of sound, dynamics, resonance, and flexibility, and health of one’s voice and vocal chords. NYC voice lessons aims to be the complete package by combining vocal health and longevity with emotional connection and feeling through song.

They use various techniques that include vocalization based upon the Bel canto technique, breathing and physical awareness, interpretation of songs and dramatic exercises, stage presence, overcoming stage fright and musical song selection. When choosing voice lessons New York City, trust that your voice is in good hands. Through singing you can achieve a sense of peace and unleash your soul through music and sound. Music heals and helps us release negative feelings such as trauma, fear, regret, negativity, sickness and loss. These teachers can also assist you in the business world as we develop your leadership skills and work on public speaking techniques so that you can enhance your vocal ability and communicate more effectively with more confidence. When you gain control over your voice, you can ensure that you will have a stronger impact on your clients or customers.

If you are looking for a great music teacher who knows how to work wonderfully with children and adults then Marissa Katz can help you achieve your goals. Visit her official site at

Get the Best Vocal Training from Renowned Vocal Trainer

Music is not solely about entertainment; for many it is a way of life. Not only does it help ones overall learning ability, but it also helps develop the emotional, and spiritual growth of a child and heightens their creativity. Music also helps stimulate brain growth and development and makes learning easier. In NYC, teens play guitars, drums and a multitude of other instruments on the busy corners of the city and sing out to the people evoking emotional responses from those who appreciate their ability and listen to their music.

Singing is emotional. Through Music and Sound healing, one can be touched by the musical vibrations of sound and shift emotionally to other dimensions of reality. Ever wonder why singing has been used as a tool for healing? It is because music is a spiritual elevator. With almost innumerable benefits and positive effects, singing has been adapted as a profession and hobby by many. The people at singing lessons NYC are not only developing and enhancing ones musical skills, but also help people develop their musical ability and develop their interests.

A vocal coach NYC can help a student grow from the beginner stage to one which is advanced. With a vocal coach, you develop a better understanding of voice. This kind of trainer helps develop your voice and eliminate its flaws. Singing teaches you techniques in humming, musical phrasing, vowel placement, tone, pitch and breathing awareness. These are just some of the factors that affect one’s singing. Marissa Katz’s teaching methodology helps you develop strength in ones voice and enhance its beauty. At vocal lessons NYC we can help you fulfill your greatest potential as a singer with the help of renowned vocal experts and music teachers.

One of the most popular music teachers in NYC is Marissa Katz, who has performed lead roles in musicals, operas and other musical events throughout the world. She trains students in various genres which include classical, folk, country, R&B, rock, pop, hip-hop, world music and Jazz. Through her methodology she has trained students at the very beginner stage with no prior musical background to those students who are advanced. Marissa Katz’s studio is also quite multicultural and she provides vocal training to students from all over the world. You can view all of her information at